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RE: [JapaneseSeattle] Thursday's Meetup @ Pam's Kitchen Wallingford

From: Jason T.
Sent on: Wednesday, March 2, 2016, 10:21 AM
I don't really have the power to do that (other than a user ban type thing, which flags your account with Meetup as well, and is kind of unnecessary under the circumstances).

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From: [address removed]
Subject: Re: [JapaneseSeattle] Thursday's Meetup @ Pam's Kitchen Wallingford
To: [address removed]
Date: Tue, 1 Mar[masked]:34:23 -0500

Would you mind removing me from the list. I'm not in seattle that much these days 

Brian K Wells

Tougo Coffee Llc
[masked]th Ave
Seattle, Wa 98122

Tougo Coffee Llc
800 Convention Place
suite 400.
Seattle, Wa 98101

Bannister Wine and Charcuterie 
Bar Event Space
[masked]th Ave
Seattle, Wa 98122

Brian K Wells
[masked]th Ave Seattle, WA 98122
200 San Fernando Los Angeles, Ca 90031

On Mar 1, 2016, at 9:10 AM, Jason Truesdell <[address removed]> wrote:

I've updated this Meetup. For more details, see the full listing:
When: Thursday, March 3,[masked]:30 PM
Where: Pam's Kitchen
1715 N 45th St
Seattle, WA
Pam's is Seattle's "famous" Trinidadian restaurant. They serve a bunch of Caribbean favorites like a local version of roti with curry, dhalpuri, jerk chicken, and an increasingly extensive menu.
The last time we came here they hadn't even gotten their liquor license at the new location yet, but this time you can get some tropical libations to get yourself on island time.
We'll order separately, but it can take a bit of time to settle the bill. Please bring plenty of cash to make settling things easier. You can eat for as little as $13/person if you order off the cheaper end of the food menu; goat curry and some special dishes range up to about $26/person after tax/tip. Expect it to be close to the middle of the range for most things, plus whatever you choose to drink.
No-shows are not good for the group, even when we order separately, so please make sure to keep your RSVP up-to-date.
Bus access is pretty easy with routes 16 from downtown, 43 and 44 from U-District/Ballard/Fremont, and a few others like 28 and Rapid Line E that travel along the 99 if you don't mind a few blocks of walking. Parking is generally manageable within a few blocks, but do pay attention to residential parking restrictions designed to protect access to street parking for local denizens.
I'll probably pre-kai around 6pm. I'll update the location a bit later.
Nijikai may be at May's or Murphy's pub.
This Meetup repeats every week on Thursday.
If the changes affect your plans to attend, please take a moment to update your RSVP. (You can RSVP "No" or "Yes".)
You can always get in touch with me through my group profile on Meetup.

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