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Thursday's Meetup @ Araya's Place (Madison Valley)

From: Jason T.
Sent on: Monday, March 14, 2016, 11:56 PM

I've updated this Meetup. For more details, see the full listing:

When: Thursday, March 17,[masked]:30 PM

Where: Araya's Place
2808 E Madison St
Seattle, WA

This week we're in the beautiful neighborhood of Madison Valley, just a few blocks north of my home.

Araya's is one of the longest-lived vegetarian Thai restaurants in the city. This location offers better food than I remember from their U-District location that I first tried in my early 20s.

We'll order a ton of food to share. You'll dig it. They have an assortment of well-known vegetarian Thai fare and a few things with o-fu (gluten) based or soy based vegetarian meat-like alternatives.

We must pre-order about 15 minutes before everyone gets here, so please keep your RSVP up-to-date so we don't have any big surprises with the bill or the food if you change your plans.

Please bring cash. I expect it'll be about $18-22/person for food, though it could be a bit cheaper depending on how things work out. We'll handle drinks separately. I'll probably have jetlagged children by the time we finish, though the upside is I can always tell them to go walk home.

Bus routes 8 and 11 are super-convenient to this location. You can also try routes 43 or 48 if you don't mind a short walk from 23rd. Parking is generally uncomplicated in this neighborhood. If you have trouble finding something right on Madison, you'll probably find something on 27th, 28th, MLK or maybe in front of legendary Seattle French chef Thierry Rautureau's house. I know there's plenty of parking on my block along 31st, so it won't be too hard!

I may stop at Voila's bar for a pre-meetup cocktail around 6pm, although my priority this week is whatever my very jetlagged family is going to need, so there's a moderate chance I may be flaky. If you're interested in joining, make a note below and I'll try to save you a seat.

Nijikai will probably be at The BottleNeck Lounge because it's right nearby and cheap, or if they're open late enough, Two Doors Down, a burger joint with lots of beer taps.


This Meetup repeats every week on Thursday.

If the changes affect your plans to attend, please take a moment to update your RSVP. (You can RSVP "No" or "Yes".)

You can always get in touch with me through my group profile on Meetup.

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