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From: Fred H.
Sent on: Friday, April 11, 2014, 5:03 PM
TONIGHT, the answers you've been waiting for:
Is it true that wearing jeans is verboten, and women can't sit in chairs, and no music except Eminem?

Friday April 11, Lenexa Price Chopper:
Born in Syria, our own Mike Arbach is going to give us a brief history of the region and bring us up to speed on:  

What’s Going on in Syria?  

RSVP now at:

This is our opportunity to get inside information about the present state of the conflict in Syria and to get all your questions answered:

• What brought this conflict about?

• Who are the three parties and what is each fighting to achieve?

• How does religion play into the region’s problems?

• How do outsiders play into the problems?

• Where do America’s responsibilities begin and end?

• What are the possible best and worse outcomes, and what will it mean for the people of Syria, for Middle East, and for us?

Photo above:  Residents of Yarmouk, a suburb near Damascus, line up to receive food supplies after long months of siege.  

Mike will tell us about what's happening inside the country (from his perspective as one siding with the revolutionary forces) as well as about the international stakes.  Bring your questions!  Bring your comments!


Afterward, let’s continue our conversations at the nearby Blue Moose.

Fred Heeren  /  [address removed]  

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