What we’re about
We are an active group of more than 200 members including both singles and couples - in the Chicago area. Started over 65 years ago as a ski club, we're now active in biking, hiking, kayaking, adventure travel and social activities in addition to both Downhill and Cross-Country skiing. We organize friendly groups for active trips and outing. We also organize social gatherings - dinners, concerts, nature walks/rides theater events and a host of other events that engage our members. Our annual August picnic is fantastic!
If you enjoy spending time with a great group of people socializing or participating in a sporting or adventure events/trips, you will find LSSC a great place.
Everyone is welcome to join one of our meet-up events. Please check out our website for a full calendar and more details for all of our trips and events and to sign up for an event or to join our club.