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N6JVL - Too Young To Be Silent

From: Chris D.
Sent on: Monday, August 25, 2014, 10:45 PM


I am deeply saddened to have recently discovered that one of our members Jerritt Van Es, N6JLV is a silent key. I'm still not even sure how to announce this loss to our group. I have heard of elder hams becoming silent keys, but Jerritt was young and active. This comes as a great shock to us all.

Jerritt came to at least three ops that I know of with his father Jeff Van Es (N6JSV). His first op was the SAR op a few years ago. Recently he came to the last few Big Bear ops.
I've recently been pouring over videos that he and Jeff shot as well as looking for pictures and footage of Jerritt in submitted footage. I have found good material with him in it, but if anyone has additional footage or pictures with Jerritt I'd ask that you kindly send it to me as well as Jeff Van Es within the next week or two. I feel moved to produced a memorial video in his honor and perhaps have a special time of remembrance during an upcoming op (to be announced).

Please keep the Van Es family in your prayers. We pray that the "God of all comfort" (2 Cor 1:3-5) would be with Jeff and his family during these days.

Most Sincerely,

Chris and Edith Doering
Land Ops

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