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SVP, Sign up asap for Monday Nov 10 Meet-up

From: Martine M.
Sent on: Wednesday, November 5, 2014, 9:04 PM


I am not sure that my previous message today went through.

I am back from France after a wonderful trip.

Please sign up asap for next Monday French Meet-up. There is a new General Manager at Left Bank and they need to know the headcount before the week-end.

It will be an important Meet-up where we will be discussing and making decisions for the future.


7 pm: we will mingle

7:30 pm sharp: we will sit down and the waiters will take your orders, then each participant will introduce her/himself briefly.

During the dinner, we will discuss and make decisions for the future, and I will share with you my future plans.

I will be bringing a lot of French books to give away.

Et voila, I am looking forward to seeing many of you again next Monday.

A Lundi,

Martine Mahoudeau

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