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Double Bill Saturday Night July 24th

From: David
Sent on: Thursday, July 22, 2010, 11:16 PM
We have two meetups scheduled for Saturday Night. Randy is hosting at Marshall Tucker at the cool air conditioned State Theater for the classic rock crowd while I have local folk rock sensation Eddie From Ohio at Wolf Trap in the summer heat. Lets make it so neither of us is listening to music alone. Tickets are still available for both shows.

Also, I have been naming some new event organizers to host more events. If we are not targeting the shows you want to see, then that probably means we need you to step up and be a contact person.

I am always willing to read your comments.


Live Shows VA / DC / MD Concerts & Clubs

Centreville, VA

Founded Jun 3, 2010

This Meetup is community funded


Member dues are used to:
  • Help compensate organizers
  • Encourage more engaged members
  • Make it so we can all see live music. Anyone who attends three or more events in year and wants a refund of membership dues, I refund in cash or paypal.

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