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New Meetup: Autumn group (Mondays) Discussing Week 6

From: Maxine
Sent on: Tuesday, October 26, 2010, 4:12 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for London "Artist's Way" Meetup!

What: Autumn group - Mondays - Discussing Week 6

When: Monday, November 1,[masked]:00 PM

Price: GBP3.00 per person

Where: Costa Coffee, Basement Floor, Waterstones Bookshop
[masked] Piccadilly W1J 9LE

Dear Autumn Group,

Thank you to everyone who struggled through the tube delays to the meeting discussing Week 5. Transport for London say the next strike will be Tuesday 2 to Wednesday 3 November, so fingers crossed that doesn't change and we can meet as planned this coming Monday. Please see below for what we discussed about the format.

On Monday 1 November we'll be discussing our experience of Week 6 of the Artist's Way book. Please come prepared to discuss this (ie hopefully you will have read this chapter, done Morning Pages and the Artist's Date and attempted some of the tasks).

As discussed at the last meetup, we'll try a slightly different format as follows:
- Start as close to 7.00pm as we can. Everyone is still welcome to join whenever they can get there, and join in with the discussion from that point.
- Have a structured meetup about the week and the chapter to 8.30pm, then more general discussion from 8.30pm to 9.00pm. This is because one or two people may need to leave a little early but expect to stay to around 8.30pm.
- Have a five minute break
- Try including some discussion about places where we're blocked, to get advice and suggestions (and possibly challenges!) to overcome these.

We're meeting in Costa Coffee, Basement Floor of Waterstones at[masked] Piccadilly, London, W1J 9LE (map: Waterstones is between Piccadilly Circus and St James's Church, on the same side of the road as the church. We'll start at 7.00pm and finish between 8.30 to 9.00pm.

There's a small one-off fee of ?3 when you attend your first meetup, to cover the website subscription. In addition, please buy at least a drink from the cafe each week, since they're kindly letting us meet there. If you've paid the one-off payment of ?3, there's no more to pay - thanks!

If you've got any questions, please add them to this message on the Message Board or send me an individual email via my profile page (

Hope to see you there,

Autumn Group Facilitator

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