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New Event: Monday, October 22nd - Vandoos - The Mitre - Lancaster Gate

From: David M.
Sent on: Friday, October 19, 2007, 3:45 PM
Announcing a new event for The London Expat Canadian Meetup Group!

What: Monday, October 22nd - Vandoos - The Mitre - Lancaster Gate 24 Craven Terrace, W2 3QH

When: Monday, October 22, 6:00 PM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Event Description: Hey there guys!

A quick headsup:
The Vandoos (the monthly social Canadian expat group that I run) are meeting for a pub night on Monday the 22nd

Here are the full details:

Real ale from Adnams, Greene King and Brakspear, with San Miguel for yellow beer fans, line up in front of a well-prepared bar that ? even though there were few takers ? has its sleeves rolled up ready for moderate cocktail requests. There's also honest pub grub on offer, with a cooked-to-requirements burger served on a mini butcher's block that scored on quality, quantity and imaginative presentation. With big, plain-glass windows, the place lacks the clandestine feel of contemporaneous public houses (such as the Salisbury), but more than makes up for it in comfort. There are chesterfields in the rear, wing-back chairs crowd an impossibly cute snug, and there are two open fires. The off-the-main-drag location gives the Mitre an additional edge on more famous venues.

Also I would like to send a BIG THANK YOU to Laura for originally creating the group and to Matt for his continuing support and enthusiasm in his position as Assistant Organizer! I will be updating our meetup site with my details and a bit more about me shortly. With no internet at home right now I have been limited in what I can do during my breaks at work.

Hope to see you all on the 22nd!

Dave Mathews

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