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Please help with [Java] MVC framework adoption

From: Deepak N.
Sent on: Sunday, July 15, 2012, 10:54 PM
Hi All,

I am new to web development and have been working on my first web project using Java/JSP for some time now. For this project I decided to (probably, naively) not use any web framework and implemented a loose MVC type framework of my own in which some JSPs call the FrontController and other use the Java beans directly. After a few code iterations, my JSP code has turned into something like this

Can some expert please let me know - 
1) Is the level of Java/JSP/HTML code mixup (as shown in this GIST) normal or is it bad?
2a) If I use an MVC framework, such as Spring MVC or Grails or Apache Wicket, will that help me clean up this mess and separate the Java code from HTML pages?
2b) Probably the most controversial question - if the answer to the previous question is YES, then which is the best framework for a person such as me (who is a LOW to AVERAGE skilled developer) to use: Spring MVC/Grails/etc. or even client side MVC such as Backbone.js?

Thanks in advance for your help.


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