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Re: [ljc] Challenges of Managing Virtual/ Remote Software Teams

From: user 8.
Sent on: Monday, April 29, 2013, 11:31 AM
I've done it in the past, 1 team in India and other in US; project being developed in Agile/Scrum. We had a projection of the team in India and vice-versa.

During the standup both the teams have a view of the sprint boards, and we move tasks on either sides as discussed. Also you can use Youtrack for online version.


Martijn Verburg
29 April 2013 11:00
I'd say that it's a *lot* more difficult, but it is possible (several companies such as Atlassian have proven this). Modern technology such as large projector screens showing the other team, shared audio, screen sharing and lots of online collaborative tools can help.

*BUT* At the end of the day it's a Human cultural and communication challenge. Humans tend to be fairly tribal creatures and so most people will always have a closer tie with the people physically in the same office as them, with the shared local culture, language, values, humour etc.

You can get a good baseline shared across remote locations, but everyone has to work a little harder to make that happen (and occasional F2F gatherings are still vital).


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