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Fwd: Opinions/thoughts requested for an app I'm building

From: andrew
Sent on: Wednesday, July 9, 2014, 4:11 PM

Hey gang,

a bit off topic, but I've been building an app to help people memorise programming facts ~ like a flashcard for programming, only in the form of two simplistic games.

The app is currently centered on Java, and I'd be releasing it for free on the google/apple app stores.

A (small) sample of the questions I'd have are things like:


You can ___ a final variable

1. only overload
2.  override or overload


Is B's doThing() here an overloaded method... or a compile error?

 class A { final void doThing(){ } }
 class B extends A { void doThing() { } }

1. compile error
2. overloaded method


There is also a game (well, "game") where you fill in the blanks of common algorithms - say Heapsort, Quicksort etc.

All of this is with the idea that a great coder has a lot of facts committed to memory - I've attached a (self-designed, I'm looking for a designer) screenshot, although I'm unsure if the meetup will allowit to appear.

I'd love to know if you all have any thoughts about if this is a Useful App (ie something you might use), or anything you might like to see in such an app?


Inline images 1

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