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Re: [ljc] Optimising sheep dips

From: Ben E.
Sent on: Friday, February 20, 2015, 11:28 AM
Hi Stephen,

Apart from classified environments, I have personally only seen 2
environments like this (both in heavily regulated parts of financial
institutions). If the project doesn't fall into one of these
categories or an equivalent one, seriously question whether you want
to take the project on.

If there isn't a clear & easily explainable reason why this is
necessary & of show-stopping importance, do not do it. "Our IP /
startup idea is *soooo* amazing that it has to be protected" is not a
good enough reason, and in fact should be a sign to run screaming for
the exit.



On Thu, Feb 19, 2015 at 9:23 AM, Stephen Masters <[address removed]> wrote:
> Hi folks,
> A little question for anyone who has been forced to develop in an environment with no internet connection.
> Well … I say “no” internet. What seems likely for a new project I’m setting up, is a single ’sheep dip’ laptop disconnected from the main network, which can be used by a limited (currently 1) number of people to download specific items, scan them, etc, prior to approving them to be used and putting them somewhere on the internal network. Certainly no developer will be able to download development software or libraries themselves.
> As far as I can tell, this will inevitably be a rather painful process, and likely to hinder development in many ways.
> Fortunately, this is a completely greenfield project, with no constraints at this point other than the security level, which means that at this early stage, I do have the opportunity to introduce processes and software.
> It’s no fun being a developer when you constantly feel hobbled by environmental restrictions, so I was wondering whether anyone has any tips on optimising such a process to make life developing in such a secure environment less painful. Partly for the purely selfish reason of making my life easier. Also, because at some point soon, we’re likely to be doing some recruiting, and I wouldn’t want to put people off straight away, or lose them after 3 months!
> Steve
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