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Advice, please, for a new RecWorks recruiter

From: Maggie C.
Sent on: Tuesday, March 15, 2016, 10:45 AM

Hi guys, 

I’m writing today with a message from one of my RecWorks colleagues, Bryon, 

"Barry suggested writing to you to get your thoughts and advice on something. My name is Byron Donovan, I am the newest recruiter of the RecWorks team. I am quickly learning and understanding Java from some of the seniors here but I’d love to get some advice from Java developers in the industry on what to do and not to do as a new recruiter entering the tech industry. The guys at RecWorks have told me that typically recruiters have a bad reputation, so I’m keen to understand what I can do to make sure I can do things well. 

If any of you have any advice please contact me directly or just reply to the group. I’ll be along to a few LJC events soon so if you see me please come and say hi!



As Byron says, he’d be happy to receive feedback via the list - or feel free to send comments off-list using my email as I’ll be happy to relay them to Byron.

Many thanks!


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