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A few questions on Oracle starting to charge for Java SE updates

From: Barry E.
Sent on: Friday, July 20, 2018, 3:43 PM
Hi All,

This is my first email to the LJC mailing list, and I have a few questions around Oracle’s new approach to charging to Java SE updates.  I know the news from Oracle could have a major impact on many organisations using Java, and I would like to know what the community thinks about:
  • What is the approach to migrate from Java SE to OpenJDK.  Are there any major functional differences that are of concern?
  • How responsive is the OpenJDK community in addressing security issues?
  • If I wanted to carry out a server & desktop inventory, how can I easily identify the versions of Java running e.g. SE, EE, OpenJDK?
Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.



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