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LJC Unconference - Keynote announcement!

From: Simon M.
Sent on: Thursday, November 8, 2018, 1:52 PM

I'm really looking forward to the LJC unconference again this year! I'm pleased to announce that our keynote speaker will be none other than Simon Ritter, CTO of Azul. You can see his abstract session and abstract below, covering what's in the latest releases of Java and what we can look forward to in future releases.

By the way - there are less than 50 tickets left, so get yours now to avoid dissapointment ->

In addition to this, we can see from those who are already attending that popular topics that will be covered and discussed on the day include:
  • Kotlin
  • Kubernetes/Cloud
  • Devops
  • JDK 11
  • Docker
  • Reactive Programming
  • Serverless
  • Kafka
  • and much more!
All The Way to 11: The Future of Java

Java is the most popular development platform on the planet, with literally millions of developers and users and over twenty years of development. In this presentation, we’ll start with a discussion about where Java is today. The current release is JDK 11. Moving applications from JDK 8 to a later release requires careful attention to the impact of the Java Platform Module System, which we’ll briefly discuss.

The way Java is delivered is changing in the next six months; from JDK 11 public updates will only be available for free for six months, until the next release of the JDK. What this means and how it impacts users will be discussed in detail.

From there, we’ll look at the technical future of the Java language and platform with projects like Amber, Valhalla and Loom.

AS WELL AS all this amazing content, you of course get your breakfast and lunch and a continual flow of coffee and tea as part of the £25 entry fee.

Looking forward to seeing you there! ->

Thanks -- Simon

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