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FW: A very long delayed Flyover Honor

From: JC F.
Sent on: Thursday, June 11, 2015, 9:13 AM

got this from Fred Coste.

Just HAD to share.




Two Air Force pilots, Major Howard V. Andre Jr and Major James E. Sizemore,  were buried at Arlington National Cemetery and they were honored with a  flyover by civilian pilots.  The Air Force pilots were killed in action over Laos during the Vietnam War, and their remains were only recently discovered and returned for proper burial at Arlington. This Flight of Honor was awesome for the families and pilots who conducted it.  Take a couple  minutes and watch this video from a local news outlet.  I didn't see it on any of the major news programs, but I thought you would  like to see it.  God bless those who did the flyover, and God rest the souls of the two pilots lost so long  ago!  What a great thing those airmen did, and I understand that they covered all the costs.

Click on link below, 




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