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New Meetup: Soul Healing for Finances (Abundance and Prosperity)

From: Ximena
Sent on: Friday, February 5, 2010, 2:27 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Power of Soul San Francisco Group!

What: Soul Healing for Finances (Abundance and Prosperity)

When: Saturday, February 20,[masked]:00 PM

Fee: $30.00 per person

Community Miracles Center
2269 Market Street @ 16th
San Francisco, CA 94114

How big is your virtue bank account? "Virtue" is the currency of the soul world. It translates to physical currency in the physical world and plays a pivotal role in your finances.

Soul Healing offers many techniques for gaining virtue, removing spiritual, energy and physical blockages that may prevent you from experiencing abundance and prosperity.

Join us for a very unique workshop in which you will learn Soul Healing secrets and practices to help you experience abundance and prosperity.

  • Gain an understanding of "virtue" and the root cause of financial blockages
  • Learn Soul Healing techniques to help remove the blockages and bring abundance and prosperity into your life
  • Receive a Soul Reading of your Akashic Records by Peggy Werner regarding the connection between your past lives and your current financial situation
  • Apply the Soul Healing techniques that best address your situation
  • Receive special Divine Blessing for abundance and prosperity

Experience the power of Soul Healing and the joy of applying these techniques to bring abundance to your finances and every aspect of your life.

Peggy Werner is a Worldwide Representative of Master Sha. She is a very advanced Soul Healer, Soul Teacher and a powerful Divine Direct Soul Communicator with a highly developed Third Eye and the authority to read the Akashic Record of past and future lives. Peggy has also been given the authority to remove karma associated with an issue or condition.

Ximena Gavino is a Divine Master Teacher and Healer in-Training. She is an advanced Soul Healer, Soul Teacher, and Certified Divine Direct Soul Communicator with the authority to read the past Akashic Records. She has studied with Master Sha since 2001 and in 2005 began training Soul Healers and Teachers around the world.

Be sure to come early and join us for the Soul Songs for Soul Healing and Inner Peace as well as the Soul Healing Morning.

Learn more here: