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New Meetup: Soul Healing to Relieve Chronic Pain

From: Ximena
Sent on: Sunday, March 7, 2010, 12:55 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Power of Soul San Francisco Group!

What: Soul Healing to Relieve Chronic Pain

When: Thursday, March 11,[masked]:00 PM

Fee: $30.00 per person

Community Miracles Center
2269 Market Street @ 16th
San Francisco, CA 94114

"Heal the soul first; then healing of the mind and body will follow." - Master Zhi Gang Sha

You will learn soul healing secrets to relieve acute or chronic pain, including simple, practical and profound soul healing practices for your daily life.

  • Understand the causes of pain and the root cause of acute or chronic pain
  • Learn Soul Healing techniques to relieve any type of pain you or your loved ones are experiencing
  • Receive special Divine Soul Healing Blessings to relieve pain
  • Practice applying the various Soul Healing techniques for your condition
  • Hear true life experiences of using soul healing to transform acute or chronic conditions

By the end of the workshop, you will have learned Soul Healing wisdom and practices to not only relieve any type of pain, but to also live a joyful and active life.

Recommended reading: Soul Mind Body Medicine, and Divine Soul Mind Body Healing and Transmission System, by Master Zhi Gang Sha.

Peggy Werner is a Worldwide Representative of Master Sha. She is a very advanced Soul Healer, Soul Teacher and a powerful Divine Direct Soul Communicator with a highly developed Third Eye and the authority to read the Akashic Record of past and future lives. Peggy has also been given the authority to remove karma associated with an issue or condition.

Ximena Gavino is a Divine Master Teacher and Healer in-Training. She is an advanced Soul Healer, Soul Teacher, and Certified Divine Direct Soul Communicator with the authority to read the past Akashic Records. She has studied with Master Sha since 2001 and in 2005 began training Soul Healers and Teachers around the world.

Dates: Thursday, March[masked]
Time: 7:00 ? 9:00 pm
Fee: $25
Register: Online click here. Call[masked], email [address removed] or in person at the Center

Be sure to come early and join us for the Universal Meditation for Forgiveness at 6:15pm.

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