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Complaint from RockerBox Ride

From: user 1.
Sent on: Friday, August 31, 2012, 2:51 PM

This is an email, that I had hoped would never have had to do.  Just recently I was informed of a severe complaint about the ride to and from the RockerBox.  No names will be mentioned but I will let the offending person(s) be their own conscience in this matter. 

As many of you now know I am a severly strong advocate on riding safely.  As adults we should be well aware of what we are doing that will affect others on the ride. I have sent out group riding instructions that I sincerely hope that everyone has read and will adhere to.

The RockerBox Ride complaint:  Person(s) would speed up and get in the way of others, slow up and hinder the others. This altered the pace of the other riders in the group.  Ear phones in while riding and rockering to the music.    THIS IS VERY UNSAFE- NO ONE SHOULD HAVE HEAD PHONES ON WHEN RIDING- the only this a person should use is a two radio if someone else in the group has one and built into the helmet.  Having ear phones is distracting and should NOT BE!!!!!!!  Changing of the route should not be, if someone elects to go a different way- then do it on your own, break away from the group, let the group carry on with the plan. If you want music then add speakers to your scooter, and keep it low, I have it on mine that only I can hear when stopped.

A steady pace of the ride is to be kept for all riders at all times, not everyone likes going fast and beyond their comfort zone, which is why many have 50cc's.  If you want to race or go faster then the others in the group- then this is not the group for you.

The first ride I did this year was with Moto Scoot and I did not like the pace, there were people speeding past me and couple times almost wiped out myself as some riders came too close for my comfort.  Once we arrive on Hampton near Port Road, I left the group and went home- knowing it was a straight shot.  MY COMFORT ZONE was invaded during that ride and felt it was time to leave the group.

Next Sunday Michael (Blue Jay) will go over the rules of riding in a group before taking off.  Then Michael W- who along with Janice will lead the group to meetup with Jason from Racine. Jason will then lead the group into Burlington and back.  Then Michael W will lead the group back to startiing point.  There should be a person designated by Michael (Blue Jay) at the start to keep in the rear of the group going and returning.

I am sorry- no I am not for the length of this email, but it had to be said.  If there are any reports/complaints from this ride the offending party(s) will be prohibited/banned from riding with the group.  There is one person several years ago that Gary banned from the group and that person is still banned due to his improper conduct of riding.

There will be no head phones, ear phones, changing of the course, changing the pace to hinder others or conduct not appropriate that would cause unsafe riding.  Helmets are to be worn.  If NONE of you have ever wiped out and had to be taken by ambulance to the hospital on a back board- I can tell you it is not a pleasant experience!!!  One I never want to go thru again. Road Rash on legs and hands, Head and Face Injuries are not fun.

As your Organizer I want everyone to be safe and have fun- BUT not RUIN the ride for others!

If anyone has any comments please direct them to me personally- you can always contact me @ [address removed] and it will be kept confidental.

Thank you and have a safe weekend......









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