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Meditation & Buddhist Workshops in 2013

From: Kadampa Meditation C.
Sent on: Sunday, January 20, 2013, 5:29 PM


Dear Meetup Friends,

Happy 2013! Thank You for your interest in the New Kadampa Tradition Classes in Richmond.  2012 was our first year offering regular activities and we tried different things- free talks, paid classes and workshops with very lengths and topics.  For 2013 we have a new schedule of activities planned for February - July, offering a workshop once per month. Here is a brief list:

  • Feb 2nd- Letting Go, Moving On: Practicing Forgiveness
  • March 2nd- Transforming Pain
  • April 13th- Creative Yoga: Tantra & Imagination
  • May 11th- The Karma Jar
  • June 22nd- Inner Balance, Inner Peace
  • July 20th- Creating Harmony at Home

All workshops will be held at the Richmond Friends Meeting on a Saturday afternoon. Shortly everything will be posted on our Meetup page and website,

We have also changed the price of workshops to make them more accessible, $25 at the door and $20 with pre-registration.  If you cannot afford this, please get in touch with us.  Your fees cover costs to facilitate the event and help with future growth. KMC Maryland is a 501(c)3 volunteer run non-profit organization and no individual profits from these Meetups.

We hope to see you at a workshop this year!

Best Wishes,

Kelsang Menla

Kadampa Meditation Center Maryland


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