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Thaks for coming (and thoughts on the meetup)

From: Nicholas B.
Sent on: Wednesday, August 26, 2009, 7:15 PM
Hey all,

I want to extend a giant thank-you to everyone who came last night and
helped make it such an exciting evening. With everything that's been in
the news recently, the work developers have been doing over the past
weeks and months, and the groups that are forming to help NY become a
leader in open data, this is a movement that is really starting to build

I've written up some brief thoughts on last night's event:­

Also, the wiki is starting to be filled in: https://nytransitd...­.
Please take a few minutes to read over it and add your contributions. In
particular, take a look at the issue summary
(­) which could use some fleshing out.
Every little bit helps.

And don't forget to blog, tweet (#nytransit) and keep up the great work
that you all are already doing.

It was a true pleasure meeting (and re-meeting) all of you last night.


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