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What we’re about

This group is for XR storytellers, enthusiasts, and explorers. Previous meetups have included taking a GPS-based audio tour, storyboarding for VR, and 3d asset creation. All our events are accessible by public transit. won't let us restore the public setting to reveal more info; if you have questions, please contact Jonathan.

Virtual Reality presents us with fundamental challenges that force us to break away from the norms of traditional 2D media. As filmmaker James Nestor eloquently put it, "No one knows anything about anything in VR". It's up to us to write the history of this exciting new method of expression.

Join us to:

• Explore new concepts in narrative VR

• View demos & presentations from VR thought leaders 

• Showcase new work and glean feedback from your peers 

Find collaborators for a VR project 

• Connect with others in the industry and keep building your VR network