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Special Bulletin - FinTech Innovation Lab London - applications close at midnight September 18th

From: Eddie G.
Sent on: Wednesday, September 9, 2015, 6:00 PM

Applications for The FinTech Innovation Lab London will close at midnght on Friday September 18th,so please apply now if you're interested in joining the programme

Now in its fourth cycle, the programme runs from early November 2015, culminating in an investor day event in late March 2016.

This leading Fintech accelerator offers startups unique and unrivalled access to 16 of the world’s leading financial institutions, offering independent, non-sales focused mentorship, and giving startups exposure to a wealth of industry-leading expertise.

Participants have the opportunity to show off exactly what their pioneering technology can do for the financial services world: success breeds success, and in a world where FinTech investments grew 63% in 2014, we really are on the brink of something huge.  So, why not join the FinTech revolution?

Whether you’re a disrupter or an enhancer, the FinTech Lab wants to hear from you.  Our alumni have addressed the spectrum of financial services-related issues, going on to raise more than $35million in funding and generating an average revenue growth of 170% to date.

In one word, the Lab gives access: access to a network of potential future customers; access to years of experience; access to an innovative, collaborative, idea-enhancing environment; access to angel investors and venture capital firms…  The list is endless, but most importantly, it gives you access to your future.

Please click here to apply until September 18th

You can find out even more at our website, and while you’re there, why not follow us on twitter @FinTechLabLDN

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