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Special NCA Alert from your organizer!

From: Jim H.
Sent on: Saturday, September 15, 2012, 1:41 PM

Hey Everyone,

As some of you know by now, many of the members of NCA, but also Meetup in general have been mysteriously added to the Meetup group  3-H-E. Like well over a couple hundred. It seems like this is some kind of hack, but what is strange is that the profiles that have been generated are eerily accurate or close to accurate. Please take a look and see if you have been added to this group or another group.


I am going to get Meetup involved from my end, but you may want to send them an email as well. Also, I am feeling a little left out that I was not included in this mysterious event. What, was I not good enough or something! Anyway, have a great rest of the day and stay cool. I know a great way to stay cool is snorkeling at the cove and coincidentally, that's where we are going in a couple hours.

Take care and see you out there!
