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New Meetup: Eco Mud Run - Orange County

From: Jim H.
Sent on: Monday, February 8, 2010, 9:24 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for North County Adventure!

What: Eco Mud Run - Orange County

When: Saturday, April 24,[masked]:00 AM

Great Park
Marine Way and Perimeter Road
Irvine, CA 92618

Get ready for some good, dirty fun on our Tour de Mud through either the 5K or 10K course! The course is designed to test your running, wading, jumping, climbing and balance skills throughout the mud intensive course! The multiple obstacles have been designed to provide a challenging and fun course for people of all ages!

This looks like a blast! We can set up teams of four (Male, Female, Coed (2 females, 2 males), Corporate, and Collegiate), or go run it as a group of individuals. I will schedule a meetup to discuss the meetup, meetup before the signup deadline - so check the calendar.

5K - $35 until February 1st, $40 from February 2nd to March 27th, $45 fromMarch 28th to April 20th, $50 on site
10K - $40 until February 1st, $45 from February 2nd to March 27th, $50 from March 28th to April 20th, $55 on site

Course and Attire

Before signing up below, maybe wait and see if we will sign up a team, or two, or three....
Online Registration


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