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2013 - 2014 Season Subscription to Musical Theater West @ Carpenter

From: John B.
Sent on: Monday, February 18, 2013, 1:08 AM

A couple of us have the 2012 - 2013 subscription.  So far we have seen excellent productions of "42d Street" and "Oklahoma" from the 4th row of the front orchestra.

I just received the renewal notice for the 2013 - 14 series. The shows are
Young Frankenstein, The Music Man, 'S Wonderful (5 mini musicals featuring
the song of the Gershwin Brothers) and an TBA (a classic family musical

The Section A (front orchestra)  seats for all four is $200 before 3/8 or $220 after 3/8. Last date for
renewal is 3/26.

Same seats for three is $145 (select 3 of the above).  This works out to $48+ per show.  Goldstar cost would work out to about to about $41 for Section B seats.  So for about $5 more per show we have front orchestra seats (which greatly enhances the theater experience).

I am going to renew with the three seat series of Young Frankenstein, The Music Man and 'S Wonderful for $145 for week two Saturday evenings @ 8 pm. If I have calculated this out correctly the three dates are 11/9/13, 2/22/14 and 4/12/14.

If we do this together we can be seated together. 

If you are interested in joining us for the[masked] season, please send me your email response prior to 3/1 as I am going to send in my renewal on 3/1.



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