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Divine Your Decade II

From: Daniel O.
Sent on: Wednesday, January 13, 2010, 11:21 AM
Divine Your Decade II (Jan 14th, 7:30 to 10pm Unity Tustin)

A Decade of Destiny: A Spiritual Workshop to Divine Your Decade 2!
Imagine uniting with 100+ people and supercharging all of your goals and dreams thus empowering you for the next decade! Senior Certified Pranic Healer and Instructor, Daniel O?Hara who has studied with Grand Master Choa Kok Sui for 16 years will lead you thru ancient spiritual/energetic exercises (from the Bible, Tibetan Book of the Dead, and modern day exercises crystallizing your goals.

With 93 people at the first event, it was requested it be done AGAIN! This one of a kind evening of deep energetic cleansing will use energetic Techniques to eradicate seeds of emotional, mental and karmic tendencies that are holding you back from MANIFESTING YOUR GREATNESS!

It is very important to utilize this time to purge as much unwanted energies from our auras and chakras to create space for the clean fresh positive and prosperous energies to come in. As you know, whatever energies are in the energetic anatomy affect our thoughts, emotions, moods and outcomes. These energies simultaneously act as magnets to draw and attract similar vibrations/frequencies towards us. There is NO point in making New Year's Resolutions if we don't first flush these old tendencies out, you will just abandon the new year 'resolutions' because the pull from the old tendencies are too strong.

Before you know it, another year has passed you by! As the saying goes: fail to plan, plan to fail! So Push those Big Chakras into ACTION! As Master Choa says: with all the Teachings you have learned, you have to be the Best of the Best in your area or field of work. For a Balanced Life, set goals that will make you stretch higher in your finances, health, relationships, mental/intellectual development and spirituality.

Bring your friends and loved ones to Unity Tustin, 14402 Prospect Ave and start your decade off empowered. A love offering of $10 or more is requested. For more information, please see

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