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New Meetup: 10 Weeks to a New Attitude-weekly classes in Applied Metaphysics, first is free

From: Doug B.
Sent on: Wednesday, April 21, 2010, 10:07 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for OKC School of Metaphysics!

What: 10 Weeks to a New Attitude-weekly classes in Applied Metaphysics, first is free

When: Thursday, April 22,[masked]:30 PM

School of Metaphysics
908 NW 12th St.
Oklahoma City, OK 73106

A new class in Applied Metaphysics begins Thursday at 7:30. Students will learn age old principles of Concentration, Meditation, Dream Interpretation, Creative Visualization, Mind/Body Healing and Universal Laws and Truths in ways that are relevant to today's busy world.

Allow yourself 10 weeks to appreciate the improved quality of life that comes with intentionally directing your mind. The school provides a comfortable and supportive structure in which to grow. Each weekly lesson builds upon the previous week. The class moves through the lessons a group, sharing their experiences and their learning with the guidance of an experienced teacher.

The School of Metaphysics is a 501 (c) (3) not-for-profit corporation with all proceeds going to the operation of the school center. All teachers are volunteers. The requested donation is $20 per class. The first class night is free. Donations are tax deductible.

Call[masked] or email [address removed] for more information.

908 NW 12th Street, Oklahoma City, OK 73106

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