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New Meetup: Sunday Open House - all about Dreams!

From: Doug B.
Sent on: Saturday, April 24, 2010, 7:34 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for OKC School of Metaphysics!

What: Sunday Open House - all about Dreams!

When: Sunday, April 25,[masked]:00 PM

School of Metaphysics
908 NW 12th St.
Oklahoma City, OK 73106

Open House at the Oklahoma City School of Metaphysics beginning at 2:00. There will be a Dream Lecture at 3:00 followed by dream discussions and interpretation.

Bring your dreams!

You may also want to stay or come back for Bible Study at 6:00, Revelations, Chapter 12 will be the topic. We use the Universal Language of Mind to understand the Bible, just as we do all Holy Works as well as our dreams.

Learn more here:

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