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Thanks for coming to the meeting last night

From: Osamu W.
Sent on: Thursday, March 21, 2013, 9:30 PM

Good afternoon everyone,

Thank you all for coming to the meeting last night.  There was a great dynamic group - graphic designers, marketing/business professionals, students, etc -  participated with diverse discussion.

I also appreciate for your positive feedback on yesterday's workshop.  It was my greatest pleasure hosting the event and facilitating discussions for enthusiastic people.

1) Presentation: Design Presentations with Your Right Brain

Yesterday's presentation is posted at the link below:

2) Items from the open discussion (thanks to Blair):

a) Hype (Mac authoring tool - does export for IE6 FYI)

b) An example of a recent Meetup online presentation:
(Press ESC to see all of the slides)

c) Online tool similar to PPT for creating web presentations

d) A good book about presentations:
Presentation Zen by Garr Reynolds

e) Another online presentation tool:

Just a few reminders:

Looking for a new venue: We have been very fortunate that Mr. Ian Graham, the owner of The CodeFactory, let us use the space for our meetings over the last few years. As of April 1st, they will be moving to another location (100 Gloucester St) for expanding its capacity.  Even though its new space has larger footage than that of the current space, it lost a wide open event space due to a stationary partition wall…  With this turn of event, we've been looking for a new venue.  Once I found a suitable venue for our meetings, you will be informed.  In a meanwhile, please do let me know if you have any suggestions.

No meeting on March 27th: There will no meeting on next Wednesday the 27th of March.


That's it for now, and many thanks for coming to the meeting last night. It was fun as always!


Osamu Wakabayashi



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