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Taking Refuge

From: Palyul Changchub Dargyeling D.
Sent on: Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 9:20 PM

Greetings everyone!

First - apologies for the email blast -  unfortunately I really had no other option to reach out and touch potential interested parties on such short notice.   I promise I won't make this a habit!

I know a good many of you have not met me yet.  But I'm Terri Merz, and I'm with PCD-DC, the Buddhist Center that organizes and runs the meditation class.

A number of you have also been attending the class I was offering, namely the Buddhism 101 class. From that class, I've received requests from people who wish to take Refuge with Khenchen Tsewang Gyatso Rinpoche, our Spiritual Director during his upcoming Memorial Day weekend visit.

Taking Refuge is the process of formally stepping on to the Buddhist path.  Here is a link from our main center's site that describes it:

If you have decided you wish to practice in this tradition and in this school, and you are ready to take Refuge, please drop me an email at [address removed] . We have not scheduled a Refuge ceremony for Khenchen's visit  yet.  But if there are at least 5 people who wish to take Refuge, I will work with the other board members to put it together for you.



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