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PPSC POLL. Please vote in the new poll regarding monthly meeting venue location and week night selection.

From: Scott
Sent on: Thursday, August 26, 2010, 5:16 PM
Hi Pine Pointers! smile

Please vote in the new poll regarding monthly meeting venue location and week night selection. We'll stick with the 2nd week of the month. Please vote right away. The board will make a decision for the Fall/Winter meeting location and evening by early next week.

Log-in to you Pine Point account at:
Pine Point Ski Club

In the main menu select More>>and then Polls from the drop down. There is one poll. You can vote for as many locations and weekday nights as work for you.

Watch for updated posting to our Monthly Meeting Event beginning with the September meeting. A decsion will be made and posted by the end of next week.

Thanks for participating!!