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Re: [spanish-150] New Meeting: April Showers comida mexicana

From: user 4.
Sent on: Thursday, March 20, 2008, 11:04 AM

Soy nueva en el grupo y no se si se tiene que pagar algun derecho
por formar parte de el o algo asi. De todas maneras siempre estuve
pendiente de los encuentros que tenian y nunca pude asistir a
ninguno de ellos. Espero que esta vez pueda lograrlo. Soy relativamente
nueva en Pittsburgh y vendre probablemente con mi marido. 
Se tiene que reservar alguna mesa? O lo estan haciendo los que
organizan el encuentro? Podria ser en seccion no fumadores??
Mucha gracias y hasta muy pronto.

>?-------- Original-Nachricht --------
>?Datum: Tue, 18 Mar[masked]:58:58 -0400 (EDT)
>?Von: John Lichter <[address removed]>
>?An: [address removed]
>?Betreff: [spanish-150] New Meeting: April Showers comida mexicana
>?&#xA> Announcing a new meeting for The Pittsburgh Spanish Language Meetup Group!
> What: April Showers comida mexicana
> When: Tuesday, April 1, 7:00 PM
> Where: Click the link below to find out!
> Who should come: Anyone interested in enjoying good mexican food, good 
> company and good conversation in spanish
> Why: Learn Spanish and try new restaurant each month.
> Meeting Description: Extra meeting for purpose of trying different 
> restaurants in Pgh Area
> Expect a group gathered around one or two tables.
> Learn more here:
> --
> Please Note: If you hit "REPLY", your message will be sent to everyone on 
> this mailing list ([address removed])
> This message was sent by John Lichter ([address removed]) from The 
> Pittsburgh Spanish Language Meetup Group.
> To learn more about John Lichter, visit his/her member profile
> To unsubscribe or to update your mailing list settings, click here
> Customer Service: [address removed] 
> 	632 Broadway New York NY 10012 USA

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