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What we’re about

A digital-first push to create a public network of linked ethical propositions - considered critically important for humanity’s ability to address complex and novel questions.

These are arriving at an exponential rate, quite a few with existential implications. Modernism privatised ethics, as it had to do to transcend community and religion. 

Now though, it’s time to build an approach that enables and empowers a new kind of ethics - one that is non-coercive, consciously adopted and adaptable.

We're looking for people interested in laying the foundations of a project with the ambitious aim of developing a broadly-based, forward-looking, progressive ethical framework. 

We are inspired by this proposal:

We will be as concerned with developing structures, approaches and processes to enable such a project as we will with ethical debate.

Please do join, even if you don't think you'll attend - the discussion pages have lots of content, and will develop with the project.