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What we’re about

PyLadies Boston is a community of women and nonbinary Python enthusiasts, developers, and programmers of all coding proficiency levels in the Greater Boston, Massachusetts area and throughout New England.

We are very welcoming of aspiring Pythonistas. Python is an amazing first programming language if you are interested in learning or just starting out. Our mission is to empower more women and nonbinary folks to code and contribute to the open source community, and we encourage you to attend our meetups.

We strive to be a welcoming and safe environment for all attendees, and we ask all attendees to treat others respectfully. We take the PyLadies Code of Conduct very seriously, and the full version can be accessed at the provided link. If you experience any potential violations to the code of conduct during any of our meetup events or in any PyLadies Boston forum or platform, please report the incident to the organizers.

Upcoming events (4+)

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