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Re: [rocpy] Your text editor of choice?

From: David R.
Sent on: Tuesday, February 5, 2013, 7:51 PM

I use vim obviously, but for beginners I think a graphical text editor
would be easier.
The few that come to mind are gedit, kate, notepad++ for Gnome, KDE, and
Windows respectively.
I've heard people using bbedit on Mac.
As for more low level and more powerful, vim, emacs, pico, and nano.
I've used all, but my favorite is vim.

I bet with a cheat sheet, vim would be a good option as it is cross
platform and very nerdy.
It might be a reason to promote it.

If you want to get really low level I suggest cat, sed, and awk. :)

There is also a cool graphical text editor in the WXpython tutorial.


On Tue,[masked] at 15:52 -0500, Richard Sarkis wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I need input from our fellow Pythonistas about how you edit your code. I need to give useful recommendations to a bunch of students for who will be learning Python.
> Q: What are your top 3 text editors for your platform of choice?
> My answer: On OS X I prefer MacVim, exclusively. Though, I would use Sublime Text and TextMate 2.
> Your help is appreciated, thanks!
> Rich
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