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Attention SSNG Members...Please see revised SSNG web directory

From: user 8.
Sent on: Wednesday, February 13, 2013, 11:06 PM


Please let me know if corrections are needed .... before the Feb 23/24 UT Event or or

Also.... If you have not yet secured a booth and you are interested in participating in our SSNG Table Share for the UT Aging Expo Feb 23-24 Contact me ASAP

1/4 Booth[masked]

1/2 booth[masked]

whole booth[masked]

FYI.....This is a Members Only Perk if you have not yet renewed or purchased your 2013 Membership please do so prior to contacting me about a booth. You can now renew and purchase first time memberships here on your SSNG Meetup home page

As of Oct 2011 SSNG offers yearly memberships

Our memberships are[masked] per year for 1st person and 75.00 for each additional membership within same office and include -

  • attend SSNG networking Luncheons Free for 1 year (TTL of 24 per year)
  • basic business listing in SSNG Printed Directory
  • basic business listing in online directory
  • additional member perks throughout the year, such a the UT Aging Expo discount

Thank you all for your continued support and participation,

Janette Beck

