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HTML5DevConf May 22 Performance related talks and classes

From: Ann B.
Sent on: Thursday, April 17, 2014, 9:48 AM
We have some great performance talks for HTML5DevConf coming up including:

Steve Sounders - "High Performance Web Components" (just received, not on website yet)

Parashuran Narasimhan of Microsoft presents " Adding Front End Performance Testing Into Continuous Integration" - CEO Steve Newcomb talks about releasing the long awaited 60fps app framework - yep native will have some serious performance competition in the app store from a framework that works both on the web and hybrid and was constructed from the ground up with it's own rendering engine for performance.  A second class and a hackathon was opened so there are some spots left on training 

Tom Wiltzius of Google will bring us "Jank Busting in Chrome"

Daniel Austin will speak on "HTML5, HTTP/2 and You"

Peter Jensen of Intel "SIMD Programming in JavaScript" for low level tricks for performance optimization

Dave Arel of Belly presents "Accelerate you Mobile Application with the GPU"

Don Olmstead of Sony Network Entertainment will bring us "Dart for Game Developers"

Yuri Luchanino, MobiDev,  presents "Optimizing the performance of mobile web apps"

Volkan Ozcelik "High-Performance Mobile JavaScript Applications"

Hope to see you there!

- Ann Burkett

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