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Re: [SF-Home-Brew-Club] New Beer Czar Named

From: Matt W.
Sent on: Friday, October 12, 2012, 1:38 AM
If I can make a suggestion...can we please make an inquiry session with Nate one of our top order of business?  I believe that many of us have or had a desire to scale our home-brewing into a business and Nate's first hand experience is extremely valuable to our passion.  I may be the only one that feels this and if that is the case I apologize and will seek Nate's story/stories myself.  Just a thought.  Take it for what it is worth.

Matt Woodard

On Thu, Oct 11, 2012 at 10:23 PM, Kevin Inglin <[address removed]> wrote:

Hello Brewers!

In light of Nate's exciting move into the world of professional brewing, he's nominated me as the new "Beer Czar." What this really means is I'm the one sucker willing to step in to fill the role of Group Organizer!

I again want to thank Nate publicly for having started the group and I hope I am able to carry-on in such a way to continue to promote homebrewing and the love of craft beers.

I'd like to get a couple of events solidified before the end of the year (suggestions welcomed), and then have the goal to meet at least once a month in 2013.

At Nate's recommendation, I am going to start collecting annual membership dues starting in January of $20 per person to help offset some of the costs of managing the group and hosting events (which heretofore he has paid out of pocket). I hope you all will find this amount reasonable and it doesn't push anyone away.

I'm happy to be able to serve as the Beer Czar ... ahem ... Group Organizer ... ahem, er, uh, sucker ... and look forward to many successful brew events ahead!



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