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What we’re about

Do you work at or with San Francisco Bay Area restaurants? Do you desire to open a restaurant or work within the food service industry? If yes... our group connects you with other restaurateurs and food service professionals to expand you opportunities both personally and professionally.

We have a mix of social events and business networking strategy sessions to address challenges and explore all the new areas for growth including mobile marketing, customer loyalty programs, and social media.

This group is for anyone and everyone interested in the food industry, not only for restaurant owners or employees.

The San Francisco Restaurant Industry Professionals Meetup is hosted by Piedmont Avenue Consulting ( and David Mitroff, Ph.D. who has an extensive background in business consulting and San Francisco Restaurant Marketing. Piedmont Avenue Consulting is a San Francisco Bay Area Restaurant Consulting firm who creates brand awareness, strengthens customer loyalty, and increases lead generation through leveraging new technologies and streamlining business processes. Learn more at