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Entrepreneurs Wanted to Demo and Pitch to Potential Investors

From: Rob
Sent on: Monday, December 3, 2012, 9:34 AM


Idea to IPO will be holding a series of demo showcase and pitch events in Silicon Valley over the next several weeks.

We plan to have  venture capitalists and angel investors in attendance.

If you are interested in participating, please forward details about your start up.

Please include the following in the body of an email:


1) company name

2) website address

3) contact info

4) date your company was founded

5) number of employees

6) number of users/customers

7) description of your revenue model

8) when you expect to generate revenue

9) when you expect to be profitable

10) how much you need in funding

11) what you need the funding for

12) a one paragraph summary of why your start up, product, or service  is compelling


No attachments please.


In the meantime, we have partnered with Startup Monthly to promote  Startup Party  SF on  Friday, 12/7.


There are still opportunities to showcase your startup at that event.  For info, please go to:


Mention Idea to IPO in your application.


If you are interested, please submit your application ASAP.



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