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New Event: Chinese Club of San Diego ballroom dance party

From: Jackie
Sent on: Monday, November 19, 2007, 10:49 AM
Announcing a new event for The San Diego Chinese Language Meetup Group!

What: Chinese Club of San Diego ballroom dance party

When: Saturday, November 24, 7:00 PM

Event fee: USD7.00 per person

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Event Description: A little known secret is about to be revealed! For years now, a small but dedicated group of volunteers known as the Chinese Club of San Diego has been hosting a monthly ballroom dance party. Following the consistent recipe of a beginner lesson followed by general dancing, a small performance, and a mixer to get everyone on the dance floor, the party is usually held on the last Saturday of each month. Sometimes the party is held on a different Saturday so it is wise to check their website for exact dates. And also be sure to check the photos on their website. They have tons of pictures from past parties (over 1000 pictures!) so you get a real feel for what the party is like.

The party caters to all levels of dance ability and has become the center of social activity for many in the Chinese-American community of San Diego. And, yes, there will be Chinese language songs to dance to while you practice your Chinese on and off the dance floor. There are Chinese sambas, foxtrots, swings, waltzes, tangos, and beautiful nightclub 2-steps. If you have a Chinese language salsa the DJ wants to talk to you since he is still search for one. Anyway, the secret is no more and the word is out about this wonderful event.

# Both Chinese and Standard Ballroom Dance Music
# Free Dance Lesson from 7-8pm NO PARTNER REQUIRED
# Party from 8-11pm
# Professional Level Performance
# Friendship Mixer and Line Dance
# Free Drinks and Snacks

Matt BuseDJ/WebmasterChinese Club of San Diego

**The event above is post for Matt Buse.

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