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New Event: Matt Winograd's birthday at Froglander's

From: Matthew W.
Sent on: Sunday, May 27, 2007, 4:54 PM
Announcing a new event for The San Diego Chinese Language Meetup Group!

What: Matt Winograd's birthday at Froglander's

When: Sunday, June 17, 7:30 PM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Event Description: Hello lovelies,

Please come join us for a celebration of one of our members' birthday

Matt is turning 16 again! It's a belated birthday, but a birthday
nonetheless. Instead of eating cake, we'll go for a frozen yogurt at
Froglanders for a change. Froglander's is a frozen yogurt spot in downtown
La Jolla that has been around for over 15 years. It always gets "Best of La
Jolla" awards and is an old favorite in the area. Frozen yogurts are about
$2.25-$3.50 each.

Of course, if you are thinking of the full-fat super-rich Argentinean
ice-cream, you are in the wrong place, but if you want a healthy and tasty
dessert and do not mind fat-free (and, in some cases, sugar-free) frozen
sweets, this place may be of your liking. Guiltless treats, as some call

We'll meet at 7:30 at Froglander's for dessert. We may go earlier for a
light dinner somewhere in the area, and, if you want to join us, drop me
(Mary, of Mary & Matt) a line. I can then keep you posted of where we're
going if we end up doing so. Otherwise, we'll see you at Froglander's at
7:30 pm.

Hope to see you!

Mary (and Matt)

P.S. If you see this event cross-posted on another meetup it's because we're
also members of that group, but you don't have to RSVP everywhere, of

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