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2007 Beijing Summer Tour

From: Lily
Sent on: Saturday, May 19, 2007, 12:57 PM
Want to travel around in Beijing?Want to learn Chinese language? Want to experience Chinese culture?There is a chance for you right now

We are TOSIC(Teach Or Study In China). Our annual Beijing Summer Tour registration starts NOW. This tour will get you a chance to learn Chinese language, experience Chinese culture, and travel around in the capital of China - Beijing.

This 2007 Beijing Summer Tour is organized the Beijing University of Science and Technology and TOSIC International Education Group. This tour is not like the ones organized by any of those travel agencies. This is a tour designed for those who want to learn Chinese language and interested in Chinese culture.

The tour will starts on July 8, 2007, and will ends on July 29, 2007. We will also provide pick up service at Beijing Airport on July 8, 2007. During those 20 days, all participants will get a chance to learn Chinese language, study Chinese traditional Arts, such as Chinese calligraphy, Chinese poetry, Chinese painting, and etc., from our experienced teachers, and of course, they will also get an opportunity to visit all those fascinating places in Beijing, such as The Great Wall, The Tiananmen Square, The Forbidden City, and many others...Also, it is important to note that all participants will live and study on campus during the camp.

As you might know, Beijing is a fast-growing metropolis , with a lot of miscellaneous spots and things worth of your visit.

So, don't miss the fun We will make this summer tour an unforgetable memory for you. If you are interested, please E-mail us at [address removed]

You can find more information about the tour including daily schedule of the camp, and photos from our previous tours, by visiting:

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