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New Meetup: Lunch at China Cafe in Del Mar

From: Mai T.
Sent on: Monday, July 14, 2008, 1:59 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The San Diego Chinese Language Meetup Group!

What: Lunch at China Cafe in Del Mar

When: July 26,[masked]:30 PM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Meetup Description: It's that time again. I've found another new restaurant that is conveniently close to the morning hike (hint hint). The restaurant is in a converted house so it feels like you are visiting mom and dad. I've only been once so far. They were voted "Best Of" is a San Diego Reader Poll and "Best Chinese Restaurant in Del Mar" by the residents there. I've scheduled for 1:30pm to make sure we have time to finish the hike.

Anyway, you all do something Saturday mornings. Maybe you play ping pong, maybe you go for a bike ride, a hike (hint hint), or a swim or rock climbing, or Orangutan training? Whuutteverrrr? And then you get cleaned up and want some food, right? Of course, some of you sleep until noon and wake up hungry? Regardless, all of you want something to eat around lunch time. Well, the solution is to come with us for some authentic style Chinese food. I've scheduled this for 1pm to give you plenty of time to finish your fun stuff (and time for some of you to finish waking up!) And the great food will fill you up and give you the energy for whatever your plans are that night. Hope to see you there.


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