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6 months and going strong!

From: Maureen M.
Sent on: Monday, March 12, 2012, 1:59 PM

Dear members of the Santa Fe Philosophical Society,


We just had our 7th reading group. Many of you joined us and kept on coming. The last six months have covered many topics:

September:The Enchiridon by Epictetus presented by Nils

October: The Existence of God presented by David Nudiash

November: Searle's Chinese Room Argument presented by Quinn

December: The Nature of Consciousness presented by Quinn

January: Free Will presented by Ruth

February: Love presented by Maureen

March: Free Will with an original work by Bruce.


I'd like to extend an invitation to those who have not joined us yet to take another look at the site and see what's new! The group has become fairly active and our next meet-up "Beyond Good and Evil" presented by Chris is sure to be spectacular.


Additionally, we need to schedule some more topics. Please e-mail me a topic you'd like to volunteer to present so we can work on the schedule and help each other with possible readings for the group. Contact me with your preferred month (we meet on the 2nd Sunday) and your topic description.


Thank you all!

Maureen McGuire

[address removed]