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Reactive programming course and Season calendar

From: Ignasi M.
Sent on: Wednesday, October 30, 2013, 9:48 AM
Hi all,

after a couple of weeks of silence we are back with some fresh news!


First let me start with the important part: like most of you know,
this Monday (Nov 4th) will mark the start of the "Principles of
Reactive Programming" course in coursera
As already pointed out in the meetup site
there's interested in the subject and we're trying to prepare an
activity or two in parallel to the course. But that's still not a
closed deal and would thank some feedback re your interest on the


Moving on to other news, you may (or may not) already know that next
week (Nov 8th to Nov 10th) there'll be the 3rd annual Barcelona
Developer Conference. This year, Scala Developers Barcelona has been
invited to the Early Beers Party on Nov 7th to present what we do and
why we do it. We may probably also talk about how, when and where we
do it.
Know more: https://bcndevcon....­
This year there are 3 talks on scala. All scheduled back-to-back on
Fri 8th starting first thing in the morning. So if you plan on
attending the conference try to be there ;-)


And on for the Grand Finale...
We are closing the calendar of talks and other events for autumn.
Here's the plan:
 - Nov 12th -> scala coding dojo (Barcelona)
 - Nov 14th -> intro to scala (Girona!)
 - Nov 27th -> talk/show-off (Barcelona)
 - Dec 17th -> talk/show-off (Barcelona)

There's several topics being prepared for our talks: testing in scala,
scala+hadoop+scaldin­g, "intro to SBT" may also happen. Please let us
know what else you'd like to talk about and feel free to suggest other
formats for the meet up.

"One CoFunctor to rule them all."


PS: And a final bit. If you you have some money to spare or you can
convince your employer to pay for it there's the Scala Exchange
Conference in London on Dec 2nd-3rd . I know at least 3 members of
Scala Dev Barcelona will be there.

PS2: I've got no idea what a cofunctor is...

Ignasi Marimon-Clos
[address removed]
[address removed]

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