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Garage Sale Fundraising, Oct. 25 and 26!

From: Maria H.
Sent on: Saturday, October 11, 2014, 8:03 AM


SEVFAF is giving you an opportunity to "clean out" your stuff before the busy holiday rolls in. Pile up your hardly used, new or newer items for the SEVFAF garage sale! If you haven't used an item in one year "you can live Without it!

Garage Sale will be held on Saturday and Sunday, Oct. 25 and 26 from 7:30 a.m. to 12 noon at the Pingue Residence located at 2202 w. Myrtle Dr (Alma School and Ocotillo) in Chandler. Items can be dropped off on Oct. 12, 2014 and Oct. 20 to Oct.24 at the Pingue Residence.

All proceeds will go to the SEVFAF Christmas Party. You may indicate a suggested price for ALL your items. Unsold items can be picked up at noon on Sunday, October 26, 2014.  Any unclaimed items will be given to goodwill.

Last year we made $330 and hope we can surpass it this year!

Four Volunteers are needed to set-up and cash box. Please contact Rudy at[masked] to volunteer or for more details.

Please volunteer, donate or buy items. Thank you for participating.


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