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Make Money On Those Free Events Through Your Upsell

From: Debra S.
Sent on: Wednesday, February 1, 2017, 4:45 PM

We made a few minor changes to this MeetUp after a discussion with Stephen Littman. Here are the details for the February 15th Meetup.

In this presentation, Stephen Littman of Tony Robbins International, will show you how to warm up your audience for your "offer" (upsell) at the end of your presentation.

Most of us started out by presenting to local organizations, professional associations and small business groups who didn't have a budget to pay us. That's where our upsell comes into play by turning a "free" speaking event into a "paid" speaking event.

However, it can be hard or uncomfortable to transition into the upsell at the end of your presentation. Stephen will show you how to "sell in the middle" and influence your audience to take advantage of your offer before you conclude your presentation. You'll learn how to weave the value of what you have to offer into your presentation, making it easier to close more of the attendees than you have before.

If you plan to join us, please feel free to ask a question, by commenting on this MeetUp, on how to handle the upsell and I'll make sure our presenter, Stephen, answers your questions.

Start making money on those free gigs by influencing your audience to take advantage of your offer at the end of your presentation!


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